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The handbag is selling for $1,150 USD + free domestic shipping within the United States. The bag is alright overall in terms of condition based on the photographs but definitely looks used. Starting with a sideshot of the handbag the differences are not very pronounced between the two. The only key difference that shows through some replicas .Conclusion. The sale of fake designer bags is a serious offense, with potential legal consequences that vary depending on the jurisdiction. Trademark infringement and the subsequent civil and criminal liabilities associated with selling counterfeit items can significantly impact individuals involved in this illegal trade. L9R Replica Louis Vuitton Handbags Accept Paypal Monday, September 14, 2015. Louis Vuitton Bags Outlet. . Like authentic designer bags, your replica louis vuitton bags won't last for very long if you don't know how get proper proper care of them. These bags need frequent maintenance to ensure that they're looking great all period.

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Scam. They claim to accept Bitcoin and Paypal, however when you select 'Paypal' as the preferred payment method, rather than linking to Paypal, you get an auto-generated message stating that a Paypal invoice will be emailed to you within a few hours. That invoice, of course, never arrives.

Authentic Louis Vuitton merchandise is only sold only at louisvuitton.com and their actual brick and mortar stores. Chances are high that the Louis Vuitton bag you see online (not from louisvuitton.com) is fake.#9 The bag was wrapped. Many of the fake or replica Louis Vuitton products are wrapped in bubble wrap or a clear plastic. You can open a dispute in the Resolution Centre of your PayPal account within 180 days of payment if: •You don’t receive the item OR service •You receive an item but it’s significantly different than the description on eBay or on the seller’s website (or you receive a totally different product).

Whether you're buying a used Louis Vuitton Pochette from a private seller or a well-established designer resale platform, it's crucial to be aware of the main differences between authentic designer items and replicas to avoid paying several thousand dollars for a fake LV Pochette. What is your actual opinion on replica bag culture? Since I've discovered LV I've gotten three items: a scarf, a hat and a wallet. I've posted my wallet here before if anyone would like to see and I'll probably post my other two clothing. But what i was amazed to see is the obsession with replica bags and clothing.

Long story short, unauthorized authentic Louis Vuitton means FAKE or replica. People selling replica purses usually use such words as AAA+, 1:1, LUX in the item's description to indicate that the purse is not an authentic purse but a replica.Get the best deals on louis vuitton replica handbags and save up to 70% off at Poshmark now! Whatever you're shopping for, we've got it.

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